Insights for Data Providers

We make your data easily consumable by your organization. We ingest all of your data into data visualizations and dashboards to allow you to make quick data-driven decisions.
Analyze Patient Populations icon

Analyze patient populations

Improve outcomes for at-risk populations. Group patients into smaller patient populations based on social determinants of health, treatments, or outcomes.

We empower you to rapidly compare patient populations to determine clinical and operational improvements.

Follow patient journeys

Optimize care coordination and the patient experience. We enable you to follow groups of patients through the life cycle of their disease to close gaps in care, smooth variations in care, and implement changes to treatment guidelines.
Follow Patient Journeys icon
Benchmark Metrics icon

Benchmark metrics to peer group

Enhance your provider performance and improve overall quality of care. We compare benchmarks for various locations across your system and across your peer group, making it easy for your team to dig into opportunities to increase efficiency and reduce costs.

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